We repair


We have the tools that can have your phone be transferred over to the carrier you want.


We need our cameras for the things we love. Make sure you don’t lose a moment.

Mac & PC Repairs

We have a wide range of skills that can help your mac or pc get up and running again.

Battery Charging/Replacement

We can service all type of devices. We are always affordable and we can get the job done quickly.

Software Installations

Software installation can have a lot of problems. If there is any issue we can provide extra back up on updating all devices.

Touch Screen Replacement

We have the right tools to fix the device. If you book an appointment we can get your device done quicker.

Why choose us

Corporate services

Our family business is always going to provide a high caliber service. There is no red tape. We always honest in what we do.

Quality guarantee

We use all of the higher quality parts to make sure when the repair is finished. The phone would feel like brand new.

Customer service

We contain so much important information inside the technology we use. We know you need expert advise and services when it matter.

Privacy policy

Our company pays special attention to privacy of your data. No information from your gadget will be transferred to a third party. We respect our customers.


Call us to get a free quote now